I expect that the majority of residents on the Quay access their properties via Shelley Road. I wonder how many though take notice of the gardens along The Ropewalk. Devon County Council’s Definitive Map shows the gardens to be part of the Public Highway but the Council has never maintained the gardens.
Fortunately a group of volunteers made up of Quay residents has taken on responsibility for keeping the gardens looking good. Self titled “The Long Bed Gardening Group”, we put in one day a month of general gardening, planting, weeding, pruning etc making sure the gardens stay tidy and attractive for all to enjoy.Although we just do it for fun it’s always nice when others recognise the hard work you have put in. At the recent Britain in Bloom Awards the group came away with 2 awards:-
In the Royal Horticultural Society Neighbourhood Category we won an “Outstanding”, which is the highest award available, and in the Exmouth in Bloom Community Effort Category a “Gold”. We are, of course, very chuffed with these awards and we would like to maintain this high standard. After gardening we always sit down for a tea/coffee and biscuits to reflect on the day’s work and a good old chat putting the world to rights. The group meets on the morning of the first Tuesday every month and if you would like to join us next year please get in touch.
Tim Hipwell, Cutters Wharf.