Pierhead Road Boulevard Scheme

posted in: Around the quay, News 0
Proposed seating layout and loading bay

Schematic of proposed seating scheme for Pierhead Road Boulevard to improve the amenity aspects of the approach to Exmouth Quay Estate. What do members think ?

Rather than this ?
Or This ?

  1.  Good access for both residents and businesses is essential at all times. i.e. parking and deliveries need to be managed by PPS (or others), relevant signage and double yellow lines. N.B. Disruptive parking of cycles also needs to be addressed.

  2.  Signage should be erected at the Eastern entrance to Pierhead Road advising drivers that there is access only for residents and businesses.

  3.  The whole area must be managed either on a formal or informal basis.

  4.  The proposed outdoor eating areas must have agreed licenses that include specifying fees, hours of business, length of season e.g. April to September, types of removable furniture, expected standards of cleanliness regarding litter etc, relevant regulatory requirements etc. N.B. Furniture must be moved internally when businesses are closed to avoid inappropriate use i.e. anti-social behaviour

  5.  Queuing  to the ferry, Stuart Line, Exe Café etc should be reviewed to achieve a less disruptive solution.

  6.  The general appearance of the area should be improved by removing and severely limiting the use of irrelevant signage, cones, bunting, sign boards, banners flags etc.